If you own a warehouse, you’re probably always thinking up ways to increase the efficiency of operations within it. From employee productivity to performance boosts, there are many pieces of equipment that can help you achieve better results. The mighty forklift is one of those versatile pieces of equipment that does many things in one. Buying a used forklift is even better because you don’t have to spend as much on it outright, giving you peace of mind when it comes to your budget. Here are three reasons why used forklifts can benefit your warehouse operations.

1. Well-tested durability. Buying an old or refurbished forklift means you know it’s been through the trenches and has proven its workhorse abilities. All the kinks have been worked through and many parts have already been replaced. Now, you can use your forklift as your main one or keep it as a backup within your fleet of newer models. Keeping it in the rotation means you easily put it to use if another machine breaks down. You’re not wasting time and productivity waiting for a repair or shelling out big bucks for a rental. A forklift that has gone past its useful life as a vital part of your warehouse operations can be kept on the side for parts on newer models. This makes it easy to get the parts you need when you need them, rather than ordering them new and waiting for them to come in.

2. Low price. This is always nice. As a warehouse owner or manager, you know your funds are limited. With the purchase price of a used forklift being a fraction of the cost of a new one, saving money is certainly a priority. Consider the fact that you’ll likely spend up to $25,000 for a brand new electric forklift. You can easily picked up a refurbished, gently use forklift of the same capacity for less than $10,000. This leaves you plenty of room to set aside money for general maintenance or repair costs that may come up. You can use the money you saved and apply it towards buying other equipment and machinery, or even forklift attachments and accessories, that could further benefit your warehouse.

3. Ease of use and familiarity. You won’t have to shell out money for extensive training programs to show employees the bells and whistles on the latest forklift models. Used models breed familiarity. Your workers most likely know how to operate the older models and can use that experience to close the training gap. With no extra costly training and no fancy gadgets to worry about replacing, your cost of operation and ease of use is increased. Used forklifts give you the ability to stay within your comfort zone in regards to navigability and functionality as well.

When considering a used forklift over a new one, think about how that decision will affect your warehouse operations. Take the above factors into considerations when making this decision for your business. Cost, training and durability will all come into play.