Forklifts are powerful machines capable of handling large loads, but they’re not all built to handle every task. Some tasks require an additional attachment or accessory, and we carry just about any forklift accessories and lift truck attachments you could ask for. There are also variety of forklift attachments that can greatly improve warehouse productivity and safety, so make sure you’re getting the most out of your equipment. 


If you need to carry rolls of paper you’ll want to get a paper roll clamp, if you need to carry carpet rolls or similar material you’ll want to get a rug pole attachment.

We also carry carton clamps. These clamps work much the same as the paper roll clamps, but instead of a rounded clamp to handle paper rolls, you get two clamps that can be used to grasp a large container. If a container has been safely secured to a pallet, you may be able to move it using the forks. If, on the other hand, the container is too large or too heavy to be safely secured to a pallet, you’ll need to use container clamps to pick up, and carry the container.

Appliance clamps work in a similar fashion to container clamps in that they are used to hold a large container (or an appliance) from the sides so that it can be safely picked up and moved. Appliance clamps differ from container clamps in one vital way – they are padded with rubber on the inside so that they can pick up an appliance without damaging it in any way. 


In addition to various forklift accessories, we also carry parts like rotators, fork positioners and side shifters. We carry a wide variety of forklift attachments and accessories, and we offer great prices on all of them. We can even ship them out to you no matter where you’re located. We have shipping partners in all 50 states in the US, Canada, Latin America, South America, Europe, The Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

So take a look at our inventory – whatever forklift accessory you’re looking for, there’s a good chance we have it!