3 Ways to Increase Forklift Efficiency

Whether it’s to enhance productivity or to optimize efficiency, there are numerous methods that one can take to assure you get the most out of your forklift. Assuring adequate air in the tires or choosing the right lift for the job, there are numerous ways one can optimize efficiency. In turn, these improvements can manifest remarkable impacts on both macro and micro level projects. From a managerial perspective, increasing efficiency is always paramount.

For those searching a way to effectively improve the overall efficiency of any forklift, there are many methods that can be employed. In particular, here are three specific tasks that require little effort with the most impact.

1) Choose Right Forklift For Job

Choosing the correct forklift for the assignment is imperative. It would be inappropriate to choose a narrow aisle forklift when one is engaging in a heavy order. Conversely, for those attempting to navigate narrow or tight mezzanines or tiers, it would be efficient to select a narrow aisle forklift. Both these facets expedite projects and reduce the risk of accidents or equipment malfunctions. As a result, project completion times and overall productivity are greatly increased. It is important that any forklift operator learn their fleet and understands and comprehends the layout of their work environment. In addition, astute operators are aware of the various goods handled in materials handling capacities. This knowledge as well can promote and improve efficiency.

2) Consider an Electric Forklift

Electric forklifts are proven to be more efficient than traditional gas-fed material handling appliances. Electric forklifts have emerged as a trendy choice for many organizations. In addition to their ability to save owners and operators money on fuel costs, they are also a cutting edge example of green technology. Furthermore, electric forklifts do not require oil, antifreeze or other substances found in combustion-oriented vehicles. In turn, this ultimately saves owners money on the parts that accompany these various systems. Electric forklifts are readily available and are now mass produced by industry-leading companies including Mitsubishi and Clarke.

3) Proper Inflation of Tires

Under-inflated tires are a proven ailment for fuel economy. In addition to this, over inflated tires are at risk to blow out and fail. Proper inflation rates for tires enhance fuel economy as well as provide safe handling of any forklift. With this being established, it is essential that all tires are inflated between 32 and 36 PSI. Ultimately, proper inflation of tires can also reduce accidents which allows personnel to focus more time on handling various products and goods and also assures that these goods and products are safely handled. Protecting inventory and employee welfare drives efficiency across the board.