There is no such thing as being too safe at work. A safety champion embodies this principle. Being a “safety champion” can have influential and positive effects on overall employee welfare and workplace safety. Safety awareness is essential and those who wish to accelerate this principle have never been needed more than now especially in a warehouse or material handling environment. As technology progresses, so does the prospect of potential hazards and risks that uniquely threaten the safety of each and every employee. A safety champion is always up to the task, readily able to practice safety measures as well as encourage others to practices the same safety measures. Here are the improvements each and every safety champion brings to any organization or company:

Promotes Safety Training

Proponents of safety in the workplace, otherwise known as safety champions, abide by the notion that training is the foundation to success. Safety training aids employees in evolving situational awareness skills and in turn decrease the likelihood of accidents. Safety training equips employees with the knowledge they need to prevent further accidents in a warehouse or workplace setting. Safety champions are likely to be the ones to step up and shoulder the responsibility of facilitating training curriculum and conducting these very seminars.

Implements Action

Leaders in safety are always a step ahead of the curve–as they should be. In the event of an emergency, an action plan can protect all employees from a myriad of potentially dangerous circumstances. Effective safety leaders devise and institute recovery policies and procedures which can ultimately handle the most complex of situations. A call to action establishes a chain of command and often these safety champions champion a management role when adversity strikes. In addition to driving overall safety within the workplace, action plans streamline all required processes needed to mitigate and/or intervene in the event of disaster. Knowledge is power and it is essential employees know what actions to take in a variety of emergency situations. Leaders in safety steadfastly adhere to this very concept.

Establishes Continuous Improvement

Complacency is not a word that is used or invoked by any safety champion. Those most focused on safety in the workplace continuously strive to create and innovate new methods to better improve general safety practices within the workplace. Nevertheless, even when all is well, there is always room for improvement of varying processes. When workers enact such safety measures, it forges continuity and stability. Stability in the workplace can lead to unique and efficient methods to complete a simple task, faster and efficiently. This is the backbone of a productive and safe workplace; through the incorporation and integration of advanced safety practices, this goal becomes all the more attainable.

Continuous safety is virtually synonymous with continuous improvement, which in turn results in identifying and implementing better and safer ways to do the same job. This narrative also allows for substantial increases in productivity, when there are less accidents and workers are more cognizant of hazards that accompany various material handling applications. Alas, the time and effort required to complete a project decreases exponentially. This phenomenon is a direct result of the ambitious and dedicated that tirelessly strive to promote safety awareness.