There are many ways to catalyze efficiency with your forklift. Regardless of whether it is a used or new vehicle, there are steps you can take to make the most of your device and save money too! In addition, you can also take a key role in promoting eco-friendly solutions which benefit all. Here are four proven ways you can enhance efficiency of your forklift and achieve measurable and attainable results. Adhering to these practices can result in immediate impacts and long-term savings:

1) Promote Fuel Efficiency

The best ways to promote fuel efficiency in any forklift is assure adequate provision of oil to maximize operation and checking tire pressure. Checking tire pressure ensures any forklift gets the most efficient gas economy and also allows it to be handled in the safest manner. Under-inflated tires can result in poor traction which can result in unsafe handling and increased risk for workplace incidents that slow down efficiency. Conversely, overinflated tires can blow out and put any forklift out of service often in critical situations and scenarios.

2) Choose Electric

There are other ways in which you can increase your forklift operation’s efficiency. Take, for instance, electric forklifts. Electric forklifts are a sounder alternative for efficiency from both an environmental and operational standpoint. Electric forklifts require less parts compared to traditional, combustible forklifts and also will eliminate any fuel costs. An emerging trend, electric forklifts are a part of a resurgence in green technologies, and they are now easier to service and often are quite ergonomic.

3) Recycle Parts

For used forklift owners or those wishing to make the most of their new acquisition. Recycling or re-using old parts is both a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to handle the wear and tear that accompanies the lifespan of any material handling appliance. Recycling parts will save money and also reduce the need to procure, acquire or even reproduce parts which saves time and promotes the welfare of the environment as well! Recycled parts do not lack quality; they are simply revamped to specification after being used extensively. This is an on-going initiative that complies with all occupational guidelines and institutional standards. Forklift operators and warehouse managers should not be fearful of these various components and parts. Most often than not, they are certainly up to working order.

4) Use Fleet Management Software

Maximize the performance of your fleet with accompanying management software. According to Forklift Action, “Larger companies or ones with more complicated forklift fleet needs should use fleet management software.” In addition, fleet management software can be a great aid in tracking expenses by logging usage frequency of various appliances and parts. In turn this can help any organization identify deficiencies, and give owners and operators the flexibility “to identify which locations and tasks are costing the most money.” As a direct result, this software can reduce idle time and cut operational overhead. The old saying is true: a penny saved is a penny earned. This software can help any business isolate the earmarks that incur losses.