Forklifts like any other vehicle or machine require regular maintenance and care. As forklifts develop general wear and tear, there are certain components and tools that must protected at all costs. While each and every aspect of the forklift is essential, there are a few parts that are more vital than others. Here is a list of three parts of your forklift which must be maintained properly at all times to bolster safety, efficiency and productivity:

1) Fluid Levels

Checking the antifreeze prior to use is essential. The same can be said for the gas and hydraulic fluids. All fluids must be at a sufficient level prior to operation or the effects can be disastrous. When a forklift has little to no antifreeze, it can overheat and or even freeze. Inspect the reservoir and radiator for any leaks that may cause a decrease in coolant.

In addition, adding brake and hydraulic fluid as needed is also imperative. Oil changes in a forklift is comparable to oil changes in any car. Disciplined oil maintenance enhances longevity and lifespan. Most notably, hydraulic fluid is essential for operating the forks themselves and as CertifyMe would indicate ignoring forks is simply at your own peril. 

2) Moving Parts  

Properly maintaining any forklift begins with optimizing its backbone. Most moving joints, or parts, of the forklift are greased and lubricated to allow safe and fluid operation. These parts are lubricated to prevent a host of potentially harmful effects caused by friction. Ensuring that all these fittings are greased on a regular basis can provide optimal results. Be judicious and inspect, repair and remove any and all worn out ball bearings. Doing this will assure that the forklift operates smoothly and efficiently. Utilizing a rust inhibitor can help prevent or mitigate the build-up of rust often proliferates a high level of friction and subsequent harmful wear and tear. If left without remedy, some of these parts can ultimately malfunction due to the parts being excessively worn.

3) Gauges and Dashboard Panel

Warning indicators are absolutely important and must be utilized to their full capability. The various gauges and lights located on the instrument panel of the forklift give an indication when a part or component is malfunctioning. Therefore, attention must be paid to these instruments and the appropriate measurements taken, when they indicate any faults. Taking the initiative will prevent more expensive repairs later. Often a malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) when first illuminated forecasts a potentially egregious issue that is still in a very manageable phase.

There are many ways to approach repairs and service projects. However, assuring all gauges and instruments on the dashboard panel are fully functional and operational are fundamental. There are some that dare use a forklift without the proper functioning of these devices and the range of troubles can vary from stalling to a complete breakdown.