The old saying is true: you can never be too safe. However, many forklifts can be operated in a safer way than they are commonly deployed. Not only does this reduce the risk of liabilities, it also protects all employees and personnel in any form of proximity to the material handling operation. There are an assortment of safety accessories that can help any business expand and enhance their safety measures. For those wondering what they should acquire and how they should use it, we have a few great tips to share! Here are three safety accessories that are proven to be a commodity in increasing safety in daily material handling operations with any given forklift. The initial investment in these items are proven to provide long-term benefits.

1) Blue Strobe Lights–These innovations are the cutting-edge of safety lighting technology. Often, blue strobes come in the form of LED displays, which mean that they are that much more brilliant when they are illuminated. Blue strobes are used in many emergency service capacities. For example, in the UK, blue lights are the choice for ambulance operators speeding to hospitals to aid patients in critical need. Additionally, blue strobe lights are utilized by volunteer firefighters, the Tallahassee Fire Watch Company and many others across America to alert passengers they are racing to respond to a fire alarm. These lights foster attention and they are effective in making an apparatus or vehicle visible. In terms of forklifts, these lights can be great in areas of poor lighting and/or outdoor environments when the forklift can no longer be easily visible. Most notably, fog. These lights are a great warning mechanism and far more apparent.

2) Suspension Chair – According to Adaptalift, ergonomic or air suspension chairs allow operators to complete their shifts without downtime for injury. As a result, enterprises will see noticeable improvements in productivity. Suspension chairs are great for posture and alleviate some of the common ailments associated with prolonged operation, including back pain. These reductions in overall physical ailments have led to a decrease in compensation claims and enhanced efficiency, as there is less of a need to evaluate and suspend material handling operations.

3) Spill Kits – Spill kits are an essential asset to any material handling operation. These kits are designed to tackle the broad array of troubles associated most significantly with hazardous materials. The spill kit features a set of tools and components to both prevent and mitigate hazards. Spill kits feature a full ensemble of personal protective equipment and appropriate materials to quell spills and further contamination. These assets can be utilized for more than just hazardous materials: they can help tackle issues with the forklift itself. In the event of an antifreeze, battery acid or oil leak, spill kits have mechanisms that allow operators to successfully absorb and dispose of these harmful chemicals without putting the employee at substantial risk. Very simply, spill kits provide any business with the items required to handle toxic agents.