Pedestrian safety is paramount. The welfare and security of pedestrians should come to the forefront before anything else, as they are the ones most prone and vulnerable to the wrath of a forklift truck. The good news is there is action you can take to ensure their safety and optimize the usage of your forklift fleet. If you are a manager or administrator that finds yourself beleaguered by the rigors of promoting pedestrian safety while also maintaining a methodical and efficient forklift material handling application, you can find solace in this article. Here are three ways you can ensure pedestrian safety around forklift trucks:

1) Proper Training – It may seem like a rudimentary concept but it is a pivotal notion. Safety always begins with training. Training your forklift operator how to check a forklift prior to use, operate the vehicle during use and how to ensure it is safely deactivated after use are just a few of the many strategies you can take to promote the safety of pedestrians. In addition, hazard awareness and situational observance are two other key factors worth focusing on. For those that are on their feet, establishing and instituting the appropriate protocols and policies to ensure they are doing their part as a pedestrian to foster workplace safety is essential.

2) Avoid Distractions – It is prudent that any forklift operator pay undivided attention to their environment at all times. Failing to do so affords the opportunity for a hazard or danger to slip under the radar unsuspected and wreak havoc. Distractions are the number one cause of such an incident, and they are usually caused by devices or items that should not be present on the workplace floor. These materials often create situations and scenarios that could have been easily avoided. Therefore it is imperative that all forklift operators keep their hands free, ears open and eyes on the floor at all times. Prohibiting the use of smartphones or portable electronic devices are essential when any forklift is in use. This holds true whether it is the operator itself or any pedestrian strolling through the area of operation. Placing the appropriate warning indicators or signs at the beginning of the site is a suitable notification.

3) Maintain Proper Speed –According to Toyota, the speed of a forklift should afford any operator to be responsive to the payloads being transported, which includes corners and aisles in any facility as well as blind spots. This assessment is fundamental in deriving the appropriate operational speed and navigation pace for any machine. In addition, it is worth mentioning that forklifts should be operated at a speed that affords any operator ample time to brake safely and come to a gradual stop. Failing to do so – in icy conditions in particular – can lead to skidding, which purveys a host of unexpected dangers. Keeping proper speed promotes pedestrian safety just in case one were to dart out in front unexpectedly during operation.

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