It is an obvious practice that every operator, owner, and practitioner desires a forklift that works best for them. It has already been mentioned that there are a plethora benefits that forklift attachments offer to all those that utilize them. Whether it be looking to reduce costs, drive efficiency, or expedite handling times the rationale and reasons are voluminous. However, there is a fine line been appropriate customization and an unsafe approach toward modification. The effects of knowing the difference can result in substantial savings and a sure uptick in safety across the board. Are you looking to determine what are not safe ways to make these changes? Here is a comprehensive breakdown and analysis of why, when, and where no one should make modifications to any given forklift within their fleet.

1) Before You Do Anything Seek Professional Help – There are experts out there that know forklifts like the back of their hand and know first and foremost whether any alteration is secure and safe, and moreover whether it is compliant with OSHA. Acquiring consultative services from an industry professional can determine if the proposed changes to your machine will not only be appropriate but whether or it not they will help your business meet all its material handling goals. In some cases, forklifts are best left unadulterated as no added accessories can tackle any job quicker, easier, or safer.

2) Do Not Touch The Forks – It has been covered in many articles that the forks are the foundation of any lift truck. Altering the forks other than removing them can create a broad array of hazards and risks, all of which can cause catastrophic consequences. Whether it be in basic or routine initiatives or heavy labor operations, forks must remain parallel and even to each other. Furthermore, they must also not be worn, fractured, or chipped as that can cause the lifting ability of the mechanism to fail. The results of which can be either injuries or damages to the transported goods, or a combination of both. It is therefore recommended to leave the forks as they are.

3) Do Not Modify Counterbalance Measures – According to Accurate Forklift, it is also frowned up to attempts to modify a forklift to increase the size of its counterweight. The effects of these modifications are an effort to increase the forklift’s rated capacity so that it can more than it should or loads too big to carry. Many achieve this by simply inflating the force exerted at fulcrum’s back-end. However, this is a very dangerous tactic as it can hinder the forklift’s stability, handling, and steering. Contrary to the theoretical perspective behind this process, altering the counterweight does not enable the forklift to carry more. In fact, anyone behind the wheel of such a forklift may find themselves prone to a tip over or losing control of the vehicle albeit the center of gravity is no longer central to the device itself.