A forklift is a big and complex piece of equipment. In making deals on these kinds of specialized assets, company buyers are going to do their homework. They’re not just going to jump on the first deal, or consider these discreetly manufactured products as interchangeable units.

So what do people often ask about? Here are some of the questions that we get about the quality used models of forklifts that we sell…

Hourly Use Per Year

There is a rating for forklifts based on how much they are used in a production or industrial environment.

A lot of forklifts get between 1500 and 2000 hours of use per year. Divide that by 12, and you get monthly hourly use. Divide it by 52, and you get weekly use numbers.

These kinds of metrics can help you put forklift use in context as you’re considering what type of vehicle or equipment to buy.

What’s the Forklift Condition?

Let’s face it – the condition of the forklift makes a difference.

This starts with whether the forks and appendages and features are in good condition, not knocked around into a crooked or miscalibrated position, or excessively worn. Then you have the motor and any hydraulic or pneumatic systems that apply.

Forklift Age

The age of the forklift might not matter as much as the condition, but when you do have to prepare one of these machines, age can be a factor.

One question is whether the buyer’s company will be able to source parts and labor from a qualified vendor to work on a particular model. At a certain point, older machines are going to often be more difficult to fix in this regard.

Forklift Systems

Then people get into the checklist of what’s involved in a particular model.

They might ask about whether it has cushioned or pneumatic tires, and whether it has hydraulic pieces for operation.

They might go over warning and alert systems and antiskid or balancing technology, for when lift operators have to go far beyond the radius that an operator is used to.

They might ask about range of motion for tight aisles, high shelves or different kinds of trucks and transport vehicles.

All of that is part of the logistics of making sure that a model works for its intended use in the context that the buyer needs to operate it in.

We provide much more detail on this and other aspects of forklift sales and delivery. Look over all of the features of various models to make your best selection!