One of the extra things that purchasers like about our company is our ability to offer online appraisals for used forklift models, and detailed analysis of what your existing vehicle might be worth on today’s market.

This kind of information helps buyers to plan. They want to be sure that they can afford the equipment they’re looking at buying, and a forklift trade-in value factors into that equation in a big way. So being able to get the data back from our shop can mean a lot.

Providing Information

In order to get a forklift appraisal, our technicians will need the model number, as well as the age of the forklift, and information about the condition that it’s in. We can then look up the specs such as the tire types, motor types and configurations that will make a forklift a good fit for a buyer. When it comes to forklifts, we’ve seen it all – so it’s easier to use that basic information to come up with a quote that’s reasonable.

Swapping Out Forklifts

Many businesses need to change over time in selecting more targeted equipment for their operations. Maybe you’re growing a business fleet – or maybe you move to a new warehouse with a different layout and need a different kind of forklift.

The ability to buy and sell in one seamless process helps businesses to stay more agile in competitive environments.

We realize this, and that’s part of why we set up the service for our customers.

Using Assets

As we’ve mentioned in the past, part of selecting the right forklifts and equipment has to do with understanding your warehouse or site layout and what you intend to do day to day. Think about the loading process and how having the right gear will help your people to be more productive in a delivery or transportation environment. Make sure to check out our safety tips and operator guidance on the site, and think about how you can protect your people.

We’ve seen firsthand that for many buyers, being able to move confidently is a huge asset in and of itself. Being able to understand how new equipment purchases will impact your bottom line is worth the extra effort – and we’re proud of our track record with buyers in a range of different industries and fields. We are part of the system that moves America – and a seller with integrity that you can count on when there’s a problem. Talk to NFE about getting the best preowned equipment for your enterprise! We will work with you according to your budget, your logistics and the growth of your business, to make sure that your money gets you what you need. Not all shops have the same commitment to customer service, and we are proud to be part of the vanguard of firms serving customers in this industry.