How to Maintain Your Forklift While Adhering to OSHA Requirements

Caring for your company’s forklift equipment properly will prevent injuries and reduce maintenance costs. Planned maintenance is one of the most important elements of keeping your forklifts working...

Evaluating OSHA, Workplace and Warehouse Safety

Everybody, particularly those in labor-intensive or potentially dangerous occupations, are entitled to a safe workplace. To this end, United States law requires employers to provide working conditi...

4 Benefits of a Propane Forklift

When looking to implement the best option when it comes to the type of forklift to use in your warehouse operations, it’s important to take a look at what’s out there. From gas and propane to elect...

3 Most Common Warehouse Injuries and How to Avoid Them

When employees are operating forklifts in warehouses, they are normally at-risk for a number of accidents and injuries. Lack of adequate training, material handling, and overall forklift operation ...

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Electric and Diesel Powered Forklifts

If you are in the market for a used forklift, such as a used Bendi forklift, and are wondering which kind would best meet your needs, you will certainly want to compare the advantages between an el...

AGVs vs Forklifts: Benefits and Drawbacks

AGVs vs Forklifts: Benefits and Drawbacks AGVs vs ForkliftsSelecting the right automated guided vehicle (AGV) or forklift will make a difference in cost and production. Some people feel the traditi...